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Final Fantasy 16 is a six -year PS5 time monopoly. Described in PS official trailer

Sony Interactive Entertainment released a new PS5 trailer on November 7. Among them, Final Fantasy 16 (FF16) will be sold exclusively on PS5 for six months.

FF16 is the latest work of Final Fantasy series. The Third Development Business Headquarters, which worked on FF14, is in charge of development. It is Naomi Yeshiva who oversees development. The stage is the Crystal's blessing, Valise. In this area, the ether was supplied by the crystal giant Mother Crystal, and people lived in the sword and magic world. Rosalie Principality, Angered Empire, Walled Kingdom. Each country had its equilibrium by holding Mother Crystal, but the balance was broken by the world being eroded in the black area. The protagonist is Clive Rayfield. Clive, the first prince of Rosalie, continued to train with his brother as a night, but was involved in tragedy.

The first newsletter of this work is a PS-based program. In 2020, it was announced on the new information introduction program PlayStation 5 SHOWCASE on SHE, and was announced that it was a PS5 title. At the end of the trailer, there was a description of PS5 Console monopoly (PlayStation Console Exclusive), while it was described as ALSO AVAILABLE on PC.

However, the trailer that describes the release for PCs is replaced and the wording disappears. Promotion has been continued to emphasize only to release on PS5. After that, touch on FF16 on the PS official website of Australia, PS5 Console monopoly (PS5 Console Exclusive), PS5 will not be released on other platforms (not Available on Other Platforms for A Limited Time After Release On PS5) was also confirmed (not currently confirmed). While the Square Enix side emphasized the release on PS5, there were much information on console monopoly or timed monopoly (related article).

And in the trailer released this time, in the scene of FF16, FF16 is scheduled to be released in the summer of 2023. It is a 6-month PS5 monopoly (FINAL FANTASY XVI ANTICIPATED SUMMER 2023. PS5 EXCLUSIVE FOR SIX MONTHS). Ing. In this way, six months after the release of the PS5 version, there is a possibility that other platforms will appear.

  • The video is 0: 15 ~


Considering the first report, it is likely that the release on a PC is also planned. However, just because the monopoly period is over does not necessarily be released on other platforms. Final Fantasy VII Remake was released as a one-year monopoly for PS4, but it appeared on a PC (Epic Games store) a year and a half later. A story about the level that it may be a hardware other than PS5 six months after its release. When playing FF16 quickly, it seems that PS5 is the best hardware.

FF16 will be released for PS5 in the summer of 2023. It will not be released on other hardware for six months from the release.


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