Jordan Pele not only usually surprise those who enjoy their films for how strange they are; Also for the final message and the message they leave us during the same, and especially when the time of the outcome arrives. It already happened with Get out (let me leave) and US (we), so message expected, he hmessage pmessagesed again with his lmessaget tape: Nop! After seeing it a couple of times, we want to bring you closer the strongest theories and shed light on its end .
NOTE *: message is evident, The following explanations contains Spoilers of Nop! ** So we strongly recommend that you stop reading if you have not yet seen it. If this is the cmessagee and want to know a little about the movie, do not hesitate to consult our free critique of Spoilers.
The lmessaget scene and the end: Explanation and theories
To put yourself in context, it is important to remember that the film revolves around around us. And in relation to all that, the desire to*to submit and tame other forms of life , regardless of whether or not they are known, from a higher position.
If you have reached these lines, it is because you have enjoyed the movie, so you know perfectly what happens during the story: OJ and Emerald Haywood , in the company of Angel and Holst, they decide to draw a plan to get visual tests of The existence of the creature that furrows the skies of fresh waters, which they previously considered a UFO.
Everything that happens during the tense persecution we attended in the final bars leads to the famous image that hmessage resulted in confusion among the spectators: Emerald sitting next to the desires, seeing OJ mounted on a horse still over the Theme park door. OJ managed to escape the monster?
We are clear that The most logical thing is to think that no , and that it happened just what seemed until the previous moment: he died absorbed by him. The final scene hmessage some details that consolidate the theory. Emerald ends the movie with the lost look, crying, fixed on the camera. In what seems like a ghostly vision, she suddenly visualizes OJ next to a poster that says beyond...
The song A hero falls that we hear in the lmessaget moments do not help to think that OJ hmessage survived. Neither that, nor the logic, since Emerald arrives at the park in motorcycle at high speed, while her brother wmessage injured, on horseback and in the opposite direction. These details, added to the fact that another of the main themes of the film is Everything we can lose while we anxiate wealth bmessageed on doing the impossible because it is a show of the show--curiously, after so much struggle to get the photo Desired, Emerald ends up paying attention to him-they lead us to a conclusion: OJ is dead.
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