Today is May 4, and many celebrate the day that was accepted as the Star Wars Day. Star Wars: The Old Republic joins the celebration, and for everyone who enters the game until May 10, there is a special gift-the orange droid P1-XL.
This droid serves as a mini-pithurer for any of your characters and will be sent to your in-game mailbox after you enter the game during the promotion. At the moment, other actions are in force, including the “Pirates Invasion” event, which will last until May 10. This event can also bring you other mini-birds, such as Kath Hound, or the new Walker Mount.
Galactic Season 2: Shadows of the Underworld began yesterday and will last the next few weeks. Seasonal tasks include the daily task “Influence on the Galaxy” or the weekly “march through the galaxy”, for each execution of which you can earn 25,000 personal worship points. Other weekly tasks vary, and this week they include the search for artifacts, which include the detection of artifacts using your tatuin, alderaan, hot and makub planets. Give Frontline Kalamazoo to complete the Warzone matches without a rating. During participation, you will receive a double experience of XP. Fielding Loyalty is designed for those who perform mission as a soldier or agent.
To learn more about the Star Wars Day droid, visit the official SWTOR website. To learn about other weekly events, including current awards in honor of the 10th anniversary, events for a month and much more, see the summary of the May events.
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