Isabelle, referred to as Size (しずえ) in Japan, is an imaginary character from the Animal Crossing series of computer game. She is a kindly Ship Tau that debuted in the 2012 launch Animal Crossing: New Leaf, where she acts as the assistant to the gamer character. She has included in a number of various other game franchises, consisting of as a playable character in Mario Kart 8 and also Super Hit Bros. Ultimate. Isabelle has actually gotten favorable reception, to the point of becoming one of the most noticeable characters in the Animal Crossing franchise as well as its de facto mascot.
Wow, it seems that an animal party is coming in the Crossing Animal Communities: New Horizons. It is too creepy to think about the characters of the Nintendo Judas game, as they have forms of all types of animals and well, we do not dream about it. But there is a bug that makes it possible.
Apparently, and as the community has discovered, the fans have found a bug with which the characters on the island appear completely in balls. This ruling comes from the DLC Happy Home Paradise, especially in the cafeteria, where the characters serve tea as they brought them into the world. This also occurs in other game stays, as you can check below.
We feel if this causes a trauma, but it is better that you are notified before you appear fully in the game, and you stay stupefied. It is a failure that is repeating and that the players are echoing. Surely, from Nintendo, those who do not have too much grace this kind of situations with their characters, they are already working to fix this survey.
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